Amy ArmitageCounselling & Psychotherapy in Lymm, Cheshire

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Frequently Asked Questions

How will I know if you are the right counsellor/psychotherapist for me?

I offer a 20 minute telephone consultation free of charge. This is a good opportunity to ask each other questions and find out if we're a good match. There is no obligation to continue with sessions; you’re free to end our therapeutic relationship at any point. It’s important you feel comfortable with your counsellor or psychotherapist so the consultation is there for you to assess if you can work with me.

What happens in counselling?

In our first session I will talk about the process of therapy and what’s involved. If you wish, you can tell me about the reason you’re considering counselling and what you’d like to achieve from your sessions.
If you’re happy to continue with therapy, our time will be spent listening to and understanding each other. It’s your opportunity to speak freely in a safe space where you won’t be judged. You will be invited to talk about your problems, your history, your needs and wishes, your personal circumstances and how your current difficulties affect your life. Primarily, you will lead the sessions but if I sense you might benefit from any therapy interventions, such as compassionate mind training or art therapy, I will offer these choices to you. I will adapt and create a working style that is unique to you. Research has shown, time and time again, that the single most powerful factor in effective therapy is the relationship between client and therapist and that will be my primary focus.

How long will I need counselling for?

Therapy is a unique for everyone, meaning the duration varies and is dependant on the nature of the problem. Some clients find a few sessions is enough to help them through a temporary difficulty, yet others may need longer to resolve longer-lasting issues. In our first session I’ll work with you to establish your therapeutic goals which we will review along the way. Ultimately, you decide when you want your sessions to end.

How much will it cost?

Sessions are £50 per 50 minutes for face to face and £40 for online via zoom. Please see my ‘services and fees’ page for more information.

Will anyone else know I’m attending counselling?

No, not unless you wish to tell them. Your sessions will not be on your medical records and you are not obliged to tell your GP.

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